Gradescope has been successfully integrated into Canvas for a pilot evaluation and is available to all UD instructors though Canvas for the 2023-2024 academic year.  Gradescope is a platform for assignment and exam submission, grading, and analytics.  It integrates with Canvas to facilitate the grading hand-written assignments and problems and coding assignments.  You can access Gradescope in your Canvas course site using:

  • the Gradescope Pilot course navigation menu item
  • the Gradescope Pilot Assignments option menu item
  • the Gradescope Pilot external tool type assignment selection

When you access Gradescope through Canvas, you and your students will be authenticated using your Canvas credentials.  A new Gradescope account will be created for you automatically.  If you have an existing Gradescope account using your UDEL credentials, you should be taken to your existing account when accessing through Canvas.  After launching Gradescope from your Canvas course site, you will want to create and link a new course and synchronize your roster so that you can push grades to your Canvas gradebook.

Training sessions will be planned over the next several weeks to help get you started if you are interested in using Gradescope in your course.  Gradescope also offers plenty of online support resources, and a good place to start may be the Using Gradescope with Canvas as an Instructor guide or their Get Started website.  Please monitor the Canvas gateway page further details as IT-ATS monitors usage and collects instructor feedback.  If you would like to receive updates about the status of the pilot via e-mail, please complete this sign-up form.