If you use an external tool integrated in Canvas, you have likely used a tool that is integrated using the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. Some of the Canvas tools, such as the Attendance tool and New Quizzes, are built on LTI. LTI is a standard protocol for delivering data between the LMS and the external software tool. This data might include grades, names, and other educational data protected by federal law. LTI is a standard developed by 1EdTech Consortium (formerly IMS Global Learning Consortium) and, as of June, 2022, 1EdTech no longer supports legacy LTI implementations.

What does this mean for Canvas@UD? Some external tools integrated into Canvas@UD use the current version of LTI, version 1.3. But several tools that have been integrated for some time use the older LTI version 1.1 implementation. Vendors of LTI 1.1 implementations are working to transition their integrations to LTI 1.3, and as those updated integrations become available, the LMS group will be evaluating and scheduling updates of the tool integration. In some cases, existing links to external tools in past course sites may break after the update, and if you copy those sites to new course shells, you may have to relink or recreate assignments and other content using the tool. Or, the tool may change its implementation and the process for adding it to your course is different. In other cases, the transition may have little visible effect on your course. How your course is affected depends on the vendor’s integration.

Must the change be made? Most likely, yes, for most tools, since transitioning to LTI 1.3 is strongly encouraged. LTI 1.3 adds new features that facilitate deeper integration of a tool with the LMS and offers more advanced protection of the exchange of sensitive student data. But the transition will take time as we await each vendor to complete work based on their own schedule. There is no fixed date for a transition to complete, but the LMS group plans to minimize the impact of each new integration by performing a few at a time as they become available each summer term when Canvas use is lower. Of course, we may need to honor vendor requests for new integrations on a different schedule because of technical difficulties.

When will this happen and what do you need to do? The LMS group hopes to identify and notify users of tools scheduled for an integration upgrade, but not all tools are easy to find when enabled in your course. The LMS group will need your help. The next Canvas newsletter delivered in early May will include a list of tools planned for upgrade in Summer 2023. If you are using one of those tools and have not received a notification from the LMS group, please let us know if you intend to use the tool during the summer term so we can ensure the tool works properly in your Canvas course.

 If you have questions about these changes, please contact the LMS group at canvas-info@udel.edu.