Based on faculty feedback provided through last year’s educational technology survey, IT Academic Technology Services is researching tools that may fulfill identified functional gaps in the current set of tools or enrich the teaching and learning experience. We need your help to determine our next steps. IT-ATS is committed to providing reliable tools, with your input, that have broad applicability and support your pedagogical goals while meeting the University’s information security and accessibility standards. Please review the information below about Gradescope, an online grading platform, and complete this short survey if Gradescope interests you.  The survey closes for submissions on March 31, 2023.

What is Gradescope? Gradescope was originally developed to streamline the grading and feedback process of hand-written, paper-based assessments. The tool has expanded to provide increased capabilities along with a variety of assessment types and online grading options:

  • Flexible and dynamic rubrics enable instructors and graders to provide consistent grading and more timely feedback. Rubric changes while grading apply to previously graded work.
  • AI-assisted grading allows instructors to automatically group similar answers and grade all the answers in each group at once.
  • A programming assignment type allows students to submit computer code in various languages. Coding assignments may be manually graded or auto-graded.
  • Instructors can design and print bubble sheets and scan them using a standard scanner with automatic grading.
  • Instructors can monitor students’ performance and gain insights on student learning using a variety of statistics.
  • Integration with Canvas provides single sign-on for both instructors and students and roster synchronization. Assignments in your Canvas course link directly to assignments in Gradescope.

For general information about Gradescope, visit For more detailed guides, including videos demonstrating many of Gradescope’s features, see Get Started.

Please provide your feedback to determine the potential value of further researching this tool by completing a short survey.  Launching a new tool can be successful only with faculty participation and adoption, and we appreciate your input.  Please share this request with colleagues to help us gather support.