A Canvas production update will occur on Saturday, December 17, 2022. Check out the full release notes. Production updates occur on third Saturday of each month, and the next planned update is Saturday, January 21, 2022. Updates in the current release include:
New Quizzes Updates
Several improvements have been implemented in this release:
UDPATE January 10, 2023 : Due to a bug with quiz copies, the RCE integration has been disabled temporarily.
The standard rich content editor (RCE) used in the other Canvas tools is now available in New Quizzes. This update completes the first two phases of the RCE integration into New Quizzes and provides tools such as the accessibility checker, the Canvas media recording tool, the math editor, and the HTML editor. Later phases will provide an interface into external tools.

A new quiz setting allows instructors to enable a setting option, “Allow clearing selection (Multiple Choice)”. If enabled, this option provides students the ability to clear selected multiple choice answers while taking a quiz for later review or to leave the question unanswered.

Fill in the Blank question types using a word bank now have an instructor option to allow students to reuse an answer choice and display additional distractors in separate section when editing a question.

To learn more about the New Quizzes, please visit the Canvas community’s New Quizzes Hub or the New Quizzes Instructor Guide.
Pages – Schedule Page Publication
Instructors can now prepare and schedule pages in advance to automatically publish in a course at a future date. When editing a page, select a Publish At date and time at the bottom of the page.

Pages scheduled to be published will be displayed to instructors with a scheduled visibility icon

but will not be visible to students until the scheduled publish date.
Grades – Student Feedback Visibility Update
The student Grades page has been updated to display scores in one column, instead of a score and out of column set, and to show rubric and comments icons. An unread indicator (blue dot) is displayed when new feedback is available. Clicking on an icon will display the feedback in a pop-out comment tray.

These updates improve the visibility of assignment scores and new feedback comments for students.
For more information, browse the Canvas Release Notes to find updated features or bug fixes that apply to you based on your Canvas usage. If you have any questions about the changes or about how to use Canvas effectively, IT-Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the IT-ATS Welcome Bar or you can send your questions to canvas-info@udel.edu.