Several weeks ago, IT-Academic Technology Services (IT-ATS) requested faculty input on educational technology via e-mail.  We would like to thank all the faculty who took the time to respond.  We are currently assessing the data provided to help us better understand the educational technology needs of faculty and students and to guide us in improving the services we provide to support teaching and learning.  Currently, less than 20% of faculty invited to participate have responded.  If you would still like to submit, please check your e-mail, follow this link to take the survey, or copy and paste the following URL below into your internet browser,

The survey gathered data in three broad response areas and was intended to measure faculty satisfaction with available educational technology tools, to gather usage information about specific tools or tool types, and to identify preferred ways in which IT-ATS can support faculty.  The results supplied us a great deal of information, and overall, the feedback has been positive.  If you provided your e-mail address, we may contact you directly to capture more details about your specific tool usage or to learn more about your comments.

We will work over the next few weeks to analyze the results and to provide faculty a more detailed summary.  Again, thank you for taking time to respond to the survey.