All courses for the spring semester were automatically created last December and should be visible to instructors on their Canvas Dashboards in the Unpublished Courses section. If you are still not seeing a course that you will be teaching in the spring, reach out to the Registrar’s Office or your Scheduler of Classes (SOC) department contact immediately to have UDSIS updated.
If you are not seeing a particular course section, it may have been automatically combined with another section of the same course you are teaching. Also, if you need to change how the sections are combined, or if you want them separated, you must complete this form. Remember to check the title of your course if more than one section is included. Review this blog post for more information.
The automated course creation process is set to continue through the summer and fall semesters. By fall, the section combinations should reflect what is in the course combination table in UDSIS.
The automated course creation process will adhere to the FERPA guidelines for in-person and online classes. In-person classes that are not listed in the combination table in UDSIS will NOT be automatically combined during the course creation process.