A Canvas production update will occur on Saturday, July 18, 2020. Check out the full release notes. Production updates occur on third Saturday of each month, and the next planned update is Saturday, August 15, 2020.  Updates in the current release include:

Instructor Course Publishing Improvements
The instructor Dashboard, Courses menu, and All Courses page is now organized by published and unpublished courses.  The Dashboard displays two sections: published courses and unpublished courses. Unpublished courses display at the bottom of the Dashboard.

Courses can now be published directly from the Dashboard without having to open the course. The existing behavior for publishing courses still applies—Canvas will display the window to select a home page if no Modules exist in the course.  Once published, the course will display in the Published Courses section.

Also in the All Courses page, unpublished courses display at the bottom of each section and are identified with a gray background if they are within a current term.


Rubrics in Course Navigation
The Manage Rubrics tool previously available under the Outcomes tool has been moved to the course navigation menu for teachers.  This change allows course rubrics to be accessed more quickly.

The tool is not visible to students.

Limited Submission Attempts Enforcement
This new feature allows instructors to limit submission attempts for students for an Assignment, replacing the unlimited number of times that currently can be limited only by assignment availability dates.  This feature was added in the April release but was an opt-in course feature. It is now turned on in all courses.  For more information, see the April 18, 2020, Release Notes blog post.


For more information, browse the Canvas Release Notes to find updated features or bug fixes that apply to you based on your Canvas usage.  If you have any questions about the changes or about how to use Canvas effectively, IT Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the Faculty Commons (116 Pearson Hall) or you can send your questions to canvas-info@udel.edu.