Faculty have asked many great questions about Canvas in the quick migration to online course delivery.  Find answers to some frequently asked questions we have encountered below, organized by topic.  If you do not find an answer to your question, visit us by Zoom in the Virtual Faculty Commons Welcome Bar or send an e-mail to canvas-info@udel.edu.

Canvas Assignments

How do I customize due dates for an assignment?

Due dates and availability dates can be differentiated for the same assignment by adding assignment rules.  This differentiation applies to any assignment where you apply a rule: assignments, quizzes, and discussions.  Just make sure to +Add an assignment rule for the particular student(s).  Do not replace the existing rule or you will remove the assignment from all other students in the course.  For more help, visit the Canvas guide How do I assign an assignment to an individual student?

Canvas Quizzes

Does Canvas@UD have the Respondus Lockdown option?

No, currently there is no lockdown browser built into Canvas@UD.  If you need assistance with proctoring exams, Professional and Continuing Studies can assist you.  Contact PCS at udonline-exam@udel.edu.

How do I randomize quiz questions?

To randomize quiz questions, the questions must be in a question group.  You can include both questions and question groups in your quiz questions list.  For more information, review the Canvas guide How do I create a quiz with a question group to randomize quiz questions?

If you want to add a question to a group, make sure to use the + option for the group and not the +New Question button at the bottom of the page.  But if you do create a new question by mistake that you want in the group, just drag and drop the question into the group.  Please review the Canvas guide How do I reorder questions or question groups in a quiz?

What quiz options are there to ensure quiz security?

Canvas has a number of quiz options and settings that can help you create a robust online exam.

  • Various question types such as  multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the blank, matching, and short answer/essay can be used to assess student comprehension.
  • Question groups can provide randomization of quiz questions and shuffling answers can randomize question answer choices.
  • Timed quizzes can limit the amount of time students have to take the quiz.  

For an overview of the Quizzes tool, view the Canvas Quizzes Overview video, and For an explanation of all quiz options, refer to the Canvas guide, What options can I set in a quiz?

The Canvas community has also provided a useful guide to help you better understand quiz settings to enhance quiz security, Quiz Settings to Maximize Security.

How do I give students extra time on quizzes?

In order to give students extra time on a timed quiz, you must moderate the quiz.  Make sure that your quiz is published to the see Moderate this Quiz option and use the Canvas guide Once I publish a timed quiz, how can I give my students extra time?  The Moderate this Quiz link is not displayed until the quiz is published.

Please note that is important that you also extend the availability dates/times to match the amount of extended time for students.  The available until date will always automatically submit the quiz regardless of time limits.  Use the Canvas guide, How do I assign an assignment to an individual student?, to add differentiated assignment rules.

Please watch this video is you need more information about moderating a Canvas quiz:



Can I use SpeedGrader to grade File Upload question types?

No, the file upload question type will allow you to only download the file that the student uploaded.  You can provide comments for the question to give feedback.  If you want to mark-up the student file, edit it with the appropriate tool and attach the edited file to the sidebar comments.  For more information, review the Canvas guide How do I create a File Upload quiz question?

If you must use SpeedGrader to grade a student file submission, create an assignment instead of a quiz.


Course Content

How do I add a My Media video to a module?

You cannot add a video in your My Media directly into a module.  Instead, create a Page, embed the video in the page, and insert the page in the module.  You can embed any My Media video into any Canvas asset you create using the Rich Content Editor, including a Page, using the External Tools menubar option.


External Tools

I used iClicker in class. What do I do now?

ATS has created a document to provide you with some options, Alternatives to iClicker when Teaching Online.  Check it out to find a suggestion that might work for you.


I found this great external tool . How do I integrate it into Canvas?

A variety of add-on software tools that extend the functionality of our Canvas@UD learning management system are available, but because we are an educational institution, we must protect our students.  Each external tool must be reviewed before it can be integrated into Canvas, and this process can often be lengthy.  For more information, visit the ATS LMS External Tool Integration webpage.



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