Canvas has delayed the enforcement of the new Rich Content Editor from July, 2020 to January, 2021! Canvas@UD will enforce the new Rich Content Editor on December 18, 2020, to provide consistency during the winter term.  Once enforced, you will not need to enable the feature in your course sites.

Canvas has a redesigned Rich Content Editor (RCE) which will replace the existing Rich Content Editor January 16, 2021 (see Upcoming Canvas Changes).  The new RCE offers an improved user experience across Canvas tools.  For example, the toolbar includes a condensed, more intuitive look, menus are grouped by common icons and interactions, and generally, more editing area is displayed.  If you wish to preview the new RCE, it is available as a feature option that you can enable in your course now.  You do not have to use it, but you may like to become familiar with it or use it if the new features are beneficial to you.  Below are some of the improvements that will be available in the new Rich Content Editor.

  • The single-line toolbar includes a condensed, more intuitive look and menus are grouped by common icons and interactions with drop-down menus.

If the browser is not expanded to fit the full width of the toolbar, the toolbar displays an Options menu that includes the remaining toolbar items.


  • The right-side content selector sidebar that was persistently displayed now only displays when needed if linking to other assets in your Canvas course.  This new content selector will appear when a “Course” source menu option is selected when embedding Links, Images, Media, or Documents.

From the links, images, media, or documents menu, choose to insert from course to open sidebar for selection.

  • Files, images, and media can be uploaded using drag and drop.

  • The Keyboard shortcut, Accessibility Checker, and HTML Editor icons have moved to the bottom of the editor next to the word count and the window can be resized using the Move handle.


Enabling the New Rich Content Editor
If you would like to enable the new RCE in your course, you must enable the RCE Enhancements feature option in course Settings.  Click the Feature Options tab.

Canvas Settings feature tab

Move the RCE Enhancements toggle to on.  The toggle should turn green and display a checkmark.

Enabling the new RCE in your course will affect the student view as well for activities such as replying to discussions or submitting text entry assignments.


For more information, visit the Canvas New Rich Content Editor Release Notes, the Rich Content Editor Comparison Document, or the Canvas New Rich Content Editor Guide or watch the overview video:


If you have any questions about the changes or about how to use Canvas effectively, IT Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the Faculty Commons (116 Pearson Hall) or you can send your questions to