Update: The New Canvas Gradebook will be the default gradebook for Canvas@UD beginning January 3, 2020!

The New Canvas Gradebook will replace the existing Canvas gradebook on January 18, 2020 (see Upcoming Canvas Changes).  The New Gradebook includes enhanced functionality for organization, flexibility, and communication.  If you wish to preview the New Gradebook, it is available as a feature option in your course now.  Read more about the New Gradebook in our recent blog post.  If you use the New Gradebook, you may also enable and use the new Final Grade Override feature option now available in beta.

Please consider using and becoming familiar with the New Canvas Gradebook in your Fall 2019 courses.  Many of the changes are in the interface, and you can switch back to the current Gradebook as long as you do not enable some of the New Canvas Gradebook features.

Register for a workshop to get a preview or for more information, visit the Canvas New Gradebook Guide.   If you have any questions about the changes or about how to use Canvas effectively, IT Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the Faculty Commons (116 Pearson Hall) or you can send your questions to canvas-info@udel.edu.