Upcoming Opportunities and Training Courses

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ATV Safety Course

A half-day, hands-on ATV Rider Course SM to learn the proper and safe use of all-terrain vehicles is being offered Sept. 9th, Oct. 7th, and Nov 4th at the Danner Campus in Dover, DE.

The ATV Rider Course is conducted by certified instructors from the nationally recognized ATV Safety Institute (ASI), which has been conducting these courses for more than 20 years.
Information about class location and availability can be found at www.atvsafety.org (click on “Online Enrollment”) or by calling (800) 887-2887. The ASI ATV RiderCourse is free for purchasers of most new ATVs and it is available to others for a reasonable fee.

For more info, click here.

Hunter Education Class


A Hunter Education class is being offered at Wilmington Trap Association on September 12, 14 (6-9 p.m.), and Sept 17 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.).  This program will be conducted through our 4-H program in partnership with Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.  Youth 10 years of age and older who attend and complete the program will receive their Hunter Education certificate.  Those interested should follow the steps below to register.  4-H’ers interested in attending a program in Kent and Sussex counties should also check out the classes at the link below.


STEP 1:  Click this link >>> http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov/fw/HunterEd/Pages/Calendar.aspx

STEP 2:  Click the link “Hunter Ed Online Access”



STEP 3:  Click the “login” button


STEP 4:  Click the “Sign Me Up” link… then select “Basic Hunter Ed:  Traditional”


STEP 5:  Choose >>> New Castle – Wilmington Trap Association


National Youth Makers Summit, Nov. 2-4, 2017, Washington D.C.

Do you like to invent, build, or experiment?  Do you ever catch yourself wondering how something can be improved?  Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it works? Click here to find out how to join like minded youth, grades 9-12,  for an exciting couple of days in our nation’s capital!