Foods and Nutrition Judging Contest Results

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On January 25, 4-Hers competed in the Foods and Nutrition Judging Contest. In this contest they are learning about nutrition, physical activity, food safety, cooking terminology, tools of the trade, consumer education, recipe measurements and more. Members who score in the top 10 of the Senior Judging Contest are eligible to participate in the Foods Judging Contest at the Delaware State Fair.

Congratulations to all the participants!

Top scorers for the JUNIOR level:


Tobi Tang, Meado-Larks

Anna Schaedler, Meado-Larks

Chase Oldis, Porter Gang

Brogan Raughley, Porter Gang

Colby Lockridge, Porter Gang

Alanna Sharpe, Rt. 9 Culinary

Claire Schaedler, Meado-Larks

Ryan Davis, Meado-Larks

Michaela Patrick, Stump Corner

Savannah Timney, Heavenly Hooves

Chase Pugh, Summit Bridge


SENIOR level Top Ten:


Noah Everett, Stump Corner

Sydney Pyle, Porter Gang

Cole Simpson, Meado-Larks

Brandon Tang, Meado-Larks

Ava Raughley, Porter Gang

Daisy Timney, Heavenly Hooves

Luka Vasko, Porter Gang

Bruce Patrick, Stump Corner

Melanie Witte, Porter Gang

Katie Campbell, Stump Corner