Club Reports

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Summit Bridge 4-H Club


The Summit Bridge 4-H Club has been busy!  We rang the Salvation Army Bell at the Safeway in People’s Plaza and had a great club turnout!  Although it was cold, our hearts were warm as we raised money for such a good cause.  Our December meeting was held on the 14th and we all enjoyed pizza provided by the Hickey’s, cookies and drinks served by the Ruggeri’s and a fun holiday party including game night!  We also congratulated our Public Speaking participants – Nick Ruggeri, Emerson Hickey and Emma Apps!  We are looking forward to the New Year and much more fun!




Respectfully submitted,

Emerson Hickey


Clover Quest

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The Clover Quest 4-H club had their monthly meeting on November 18, 2016 at the Newark Free Library at 4:00.  Ten members and several visitors were present.  Clover Quest’s upcoming service project at Family Promise, an organization that helps the homeless, was discussed during business.  Members were also encouraged to collect toys for the Sunday Breakfast Mission toy drive, another service project.

For the November games, the 5-11 age group played a Thanksgiving memory game and attempted to move a cucumber down the line of clubbers without using hands, while the teens played Pictionary with play-doh.  Margaret Barrier and Naomi Imhoff provided the club with a yummy, homemade snack of caramel popcorn.

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Then, Kyle, Maya, and Mason Merritt gave a presentation on martial arts.  They led members in practicing various exercises and defenses and playing fun games to reinforce the various moves.


After the clubbers had a great time of playing games, eating, and learning something new, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25.

-Katrice Wasgatt, Club Reporter


A Very Warm Thank You

Throughout the month of December, the Cooperative Extension Christmas tree became more beautiful as the branches were filled with over 50 hats, scarves, and gloves.  These items for both children and adults will be delivered to the New Castle County Adopt a Family program just in time for the inevitable  cold winter blast.  Adopt a Family members will be able to select cold weather accessories that will help keep them warm.  Your hearts should be warmed knowing that you have helped others in need.   Thank you so much for your generosity!