Club Reports 📰

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Clover Quest

The October meeting of Clover Quest 4-H was called to order by Jade Wasgatt, club president, on the 19th at 4:00 at the Newark Free Library. Caleb Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance, Eliana Morris led the 4-H pledge, and Jade led the moment of silence. Katrice Wasgatt, club secretary, read the September minutes and took roll. Seven members and several visitors were present. Ms. Blaky Wasgatt, the club leader, asked if there was a family willing to be in charge of Clover Quest’s entry for the display contest next year. She thanked clubbers for renewing their memberships and announced that there will be community service projects coming soon.

The club then divided into age groups to play games. Members in each group found a partner and linked the jump ropes they were holding to try to untangle them. No one figured it out, but it was a fun brain teaser. The other game involved standing in a circle and trying to hit a ball between the other players’ legs to make a goal.

The Turner family brought homemade pretzels and root beer in honor of Oktoberfest. Everyone enjoyed this seasonally appropriate snack. Aiden, Kieran, and Caleb Morris gave an impressive, hands-on presentation about karate. They led the club in various moves and performed routines they have worked hard to learn. At the end each member got to break a board with their fist. Jade adjourned the meeting at 5:30.

DE 4-H Shooting Sports, Conservation, Wildlife and Hunting Club

The club had an interesting guest speaker recently. Ms. Teddy Moritzis, one of the few Delaware Master Falconers, visited class to talk to the youth about using birds of prey for Falconry hunting. The youth and adults were fascinated by her talk. She is pictured here with her Harris’s Hawk which is a female named “Ray”.
The club tries to feature guest speakers each week to educate the youth in different aspects of hunting.