Club Reports/Service Opportunities

Meado-Larks Club Service Opportunity As you know, much of coastal Texas has been devastated by Hurricane Harvey. Please consider raising funds or spearheading other relief efforts for your fellow 4-Hers in the affected areas. If your club needs assistance with Continue reading Club Reports/Service Opportunities

Leadership Opportunity for College Students

Applications are being accepted for the roundtable facilitator roles for the 2018 National 4-H Conference which will be held in Washington, D.C. April 7-12, 2018.  Application documents can be downloaded at!leadership-facilitators. National 4‑H Conference is the pinnacle experience in Continue reading Leadership Opportunity for College Students

Calling all Makers to the National Youth Maker Summit!

Get creative, get innovative at the  National Youth Maker Summit, November 10-13, 2016. The Delaware 4-H Program will support two (2) Delaware 4-H youth and one (1) volunteer leader/staff chaperone to attend the National Youth Maker Summit in Washington, DC. Continue reading Calling all Makers to the National Youth Maker Summit!