Agent’s Letter – June

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Dear 4-H Families,Summer

As we dive into the month of June, the craziness of the “4-H Summer” is right around the corner. I hope you were able to secure all of your registrations for the Delaware State Fair and 4-H summer camp!

While everyone is gearing up for the busy months to come, I am also busy gearing up, but for a different adventure. After five incredible years serving as the New Castle County 4-H Extension Agent, I have decided to pursue a new path in my life. I will be joining my husband in our family business to work in the fitness and nutrition industry. This is a very bittersweet time for me and certainly was not a decision that was made easily.

4-H came into my life at the young age of 7, when I joined the Westville 4-H Club as a Cloverbud member. I became instantly attached to the program and knew I would be a lifelong 4-Her. I can truly say that after being a 4-Her, summer camp counselor, and most recently a 4-H agent, the term “bleeding green” could not ring more true. The 4-H program and community will always hold a very big piece of my heart and I look forward to the opportunity to volunteer with 4-H in a variety of ways. I can assure you, my departure from the NCC 4-H position does not equate to my departure from Delaware 4-H.

As I sit here reminiscing about the past five years, I am instantly reminded of the wonderful relationships that have been formed with parents, 4-H members, and volunteers. Each person that I have met in my capacity as the 4-H Extension Agent has played a special role in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that have been bestowed upon me in my current role and I look forward to continuing these friendships that are bonded through 4-H.

Thank you for allowing me to spend the last five years with you as a 4-H Extension Agent. I will hold tight to these wonderful memories.

I show you this Benjamin Franklin quote to remember to “Learn by Doing”, the 4-H way.

Ben Franklin quote 1



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