Happy New Year 4-H Family!
I hope you enjoyed your holiday season with friends and family! Get ready for a fully packed year with all the 4-H leadership opportunities, experiences, activities, and growth! We have been busy planning for 2025 and hope you are ready to kick it off to a great start!
In December, we hoped you were able to join us for Public Speaking, Winter Fun Day or the skating party. If not, please join us for the up-and-coming contests, events and trainings we have listed.
Please be on the lookout for updates and mark your calendar for the following dates:
C-3 (Camp Counselors) Meeting – January 13th
Junior Leader Weekend – January 17-19th
Food Skill-A-Thon (formerly known as Foods Judging) Training – January 5th
Favorite Foods application and Photo contest Due – January 24th
Day Camp and State Camp Scholarships due – January 24th
Inclement Weather Policy – If the Christina School District closes for the day, has early dismissal, or cancels after-school activities, then New Castle County 4-H events are cancelled. Weekend 4-H events will be cancelled if the University of Delaware closes or cancels events.
We also love to hear all the great things you are doing with your club members; club reporters don’t forget to submit your club news to Serena by the 20th of each month to be included in the newsletter. We love seeing your pictures!
I hope you enjoyed and relax over the Holidays with your family and loved ones! See you soon at the next 4-H activity!
Yours in 4-H,
Mrs. Kaitlin
Extension Educator, 4-H
Stay “in the know” with Delaware 4-H online!
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/Delaware4H
- Twitter: @Delaware4H
- Instagram:@Delaware4H
- Youtube (Playlist): www.udel.edu/008350
- Website: www.udel.edu/4-H