Happy Spring!
The weather is sure starting to become lovely outside, which can only mean one thing- Spring is here and the flowers are blooming!! We have a lot to look forward to over the next couple of months as we move into the summer. This newsletter is packed full of new opportunities, contests, events, camp, scholarship, and Fair information. Be sure to take the time to go through it all so you don’t miss any opportunities!
April is Volunteer Recognition Month and we here at the office would like to say a big THANK YOU to our amazing volunteers who continue to put in countless hours. We also encouraging 4-H members to personally thank your leaders over the next month when you see them at meetings and events. Send them a personal hand-written note or a phone call to let them know you appreciate everything they do for you! They put in many hours and hard work to ensure you have a great 4-H experience.
Delaware State Fair registration opens April 1st for all exhibitors. Enter through the Delaware State Fair exhibitor’s page. Please be make sure you are in the 4-H Section not the Children’s department. Also, please do not wait until June 1st to enter your Fair exhibits. Make sure to enter them sooner rather than later. The Fair will not allow you to enter anything after June 1st.
SENIORS!!!! Calling all Seniors don’t forget to fill out the Delaware 4-H Foundation scholarship and the Senior Spotlight! We want to make sure you are featured in the Senior Spotlights!
Sign up for the Photography, Wood science and/or Clothing judging on Monday, April 24 from 4:30-7pm. Sign up Here: https://forms.gle/t9PC3YQFBMJYKaCW7
Please don’t hesitate to contact the 4-H office with any questions or concerns and we hope to see you at a 4-H event soon!
Yours in 4-H,
Ms. Kaitlin
Extension Educator, 4-H kklair@udel.edu
Stay “in the know” with Delaware 4-H online!
· Facebook: www.facebook.com/Delaware4H
· Twitter: @Delaware4H
· Instagram:@Delaware4H
· Youtube (Playlist): www.udel.edu/008350 · Website: www.udel.edu/4-H