Agent Letter

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As we head into the end of 2020, we begin to slow down in the 4-H community so we can hit the ground running in the New Year. As we take a moment and reflect on all that has gone on the past eleven months, I want to thank each and every one of you for having grace and rolling with it as we adapted to each new hurdle that came our way in work and personal lives.  We have learned a lot, struggled, and still pushed ahead to keep the 4-H Program going to the best of our ability.  Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

The University of Delaware offices ( and therefore, the NCC 4-H office) will be closed Monday, December 21st  – Friday, January 1st .  We will “re-open” on Monday, January 4th (still working remotely).

This past month we celebrated Health month, Public Speaking and National STEM Summit. In December we must look forward to the following events:

  • Jr. Council Meeting
  • Code Week
  • Conference and Healthy Living Summit Applications Due

Here are some upcoming things to look forward to in January: Photography Contest, Foods Judging, Camp Counselor Meetings, AG Summit Applications will be due– and get those recipes out as we start thinking about Favorite Foods!

We are thrilled that clubs can now meet in person, but that means that it is your responsibility to make sure you are wearing your mask and continuing to follow all safety requirements when attending 4-H club events!

We love to hear all of the great things you are doing with your club members; club reporters don’t forget to submit your club news to Serena by the 25th of each month to be included in the newsletter. Be sure to look at our online newsletter, Friday emails and Delaware 4-H Facebook for updates and news. If you aren’t receiving the Friday emails, please let us know. As you know, we’re using a new 4-H Online system and we’re still working out the kinks. Serena has reported that it doesn’t always accurately display who has received our broadcast emails and who has not.  Feel free to reach out to her at

I hope you enjoy the Holidays with your family and loved ones! Remember to take a few second to embrace the moment, relax and enjoy!


Yours in 4-H,

Kaitlin Klair

Extension Educator, 4-H