Agent Letter

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Hello 4-H Families and Friends,

October brought opportunities to recognize our wonderful 4-H volunteers. The October 6 Delaware 4-H Hall of Fame Banquet honored 20 laureates including from New Castle County:  Mrs. Clara Feucht, Dr. George Haenlein as well as Mark Manno and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Reynolds who were honored posthumously.

On October 19, approximately fifty staff, volunteers and former 4-Hers traveled to The National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, MD as we celebrated former State Program Director, Mark Manno being inducted posthumously into the National 4-H Hall of Fame.

Pictured is Mark’s daughter, Nikki accepting the award and his family at the 4-H Center.


A huge THANK YOU to the New Castle County Links who sponsored an evening of bowling fun for 4-Hers and their families on October 12.  A great time was had by all!

We hope to see many of you at the Achievement Event this Sunday, November 4. The event will be held at the Cooperative Extension office from 2-4 pm. “4-H-The Greatest Show on Earth!” will feature special entertainment, awards, recognition, games, a silent auction and refreshments including ice cream donated by Somerset Farms.  Don’t forget to “Fall Back” for daylights savings time on Saturday so you will arrive at the correct time! Registration encouraged but walk ins are welcomed!

Now is the time to register for November 28 Public Speaking Contest, December 8 Winter Fun Day and to consider a donation to the 4-H mitten tree. See blog posts for more info.

Finally, be sure you are registered on 4-H online. You can re-enroll by visiting . If you cannot remember which email you use to log in, please DO NOT create a new profile! Call the office at 302-831-8965 or email Serena at and she will be happy to help you.

Yours in 4-H,

Betsy, Kaitlin and Serena