Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed your Holiday Season, however you decided to spend it! We are excited to be coming into 2023 ready to try new things, make new commitments, meet new friends, and embrace everything that comes our way! We are ready to kick off the 2023 year with 4-H events, leadership growth opportunities, contests and more planned for you and your 4-H member!
This year we have moved some events and contests around to different dates that will hopefully work for everyone. Please be on the lookout for updates and mark your calendar for the following dates:
Camp Counselor Meeting – January 9th
Leaders Forum – January 21st
Favorite Foods application and Photo contest Due – January 23rd
Day Camp and State Camp Scholarships due – February 3rd
Junior Leader Weekend – February 3 – 5th
Favorite Foods, Foods Judging and Photography contest – February 11th
**Reminder all 4-H members must re-enroll through 4-H Online by March 1, 2023 to be eligible to participate in any county and statewide events.
Inclement Weather Policy – If the Christina School District closes for the day, has early dismissal, or cancels after-school activities, then New Castle County 4-H events are cancelled. Weekend 4-H events will be cancelled if the University of Delaware closes or cancels events.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns and we hope to see you at a 4-H event soon!
Yours in 4-H,
Ms. Kaitlin
Extension Educator, 4-H
Stay “in the know” with Delaware 4-H online!
· Facebook: www.facebook.com/Delaware4H
· Twitter: @Delaware4H
· Instagram:@Delaware4H
· Youtube (Playlist): www.udel.edu/008350 · Website: www.udel.edu/4-H