Club Spotlight

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Harrington Sunshine 4-H Club


Harrington Sunshine 4-H Club is one of the older clubs in Kent County.  We have both Cloverbud and Traditional 4-H members.  Last year our club had 75 members.  Our members are very active volunteers who enjoy doing Community Service project work.  Our community service activities include making hospital and nursing home tray favors for the holidays; going to the nursing home monthly to play bingo and make crafts with the residents; ringing the bell for the Salvation Army Kettle Drive; helping with beach clean up and beach grass planting; Relay for Life; making get well activity packets for the hospital and participating in many different local community activities throughout the year.  We are very proud of our club, as well as several of our individual club members who have received numerous recognitions and awards for their community service volunteer work.

Our club is always interested in providing opportunities and learning for our members in a variety of 4-H project areas. Some of these project areas include Leadership, Clothing & Textiles, Archery, Photography, Woodworking, Citizenship and Community Service, Foods and Nutrition, Health, and Arts & Crafts.  We encourage our members to participate in other 4-H project areas that interest them on their own.  Public Speaking and Demonstrations are two things we strongly encourage our members to participate in as these activities help them speak publicly with confidence- an important life skill.  We also encourage our members to participate in the various4-H Judging Contest areas that are available at the County and State levels.

Our members love the Delaware State Fair, and they look forward to completing items to exhibit at the fair that are related to their various 4-H project areas. We encourage our members to participate in all the opportunities 4-H offers them at the state fair.

We are currently accepting new members into our club.  We meet the first Monday night of each month from September to May with our meetings starting at 6:30 pm.  We hold our 4-H club meetings at the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church on Raughley Hill Road in Harrington.