Jan. 1

The Black Christ and Other Poems

Countee Cullen

Harper Bros.

Wilm. Del.


Jan. 9

Music in the Streets

Vera Caspary


J. H. Sears Co.

Wilm. Del.


Jan. 14

A Farewell to Arms

Ernest Hemmingway

Another War Novel.


Phila. Pa.


Jan. 18

Blind Spots

Henry Smith Leiper

Friendship Press

New York

Study of Racial Prejudices

Washington D.C.



Jan. 21

An Artist in the Family

Sarah Gertrude Millin

Boni & Liveright

One of those So. African novels

State Normal School. Petersburg, Va.


Jan. 22

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde


A hideous novel.

State Normal School. Petersburg, Va.


Jan. 28

The Unconquered

Maude Diver

G. P. Putnam


Greensboro, N.C.


Jan. 30

Science in Search of God [i]

Greensboro, N.C.




Feb. 18


Manuel Komroff

Literary Guild Selection for Jan. 1930

A stupendous canvas of a novel.

Train between Jacksonville Fla. and Fort Valley Ga.


Feb. 22


A. Hamilton Gibbs


Post war novel

Train between Fort Valley Ga. & Montgomery, Ala.


Feb. 25

Red Bean Row

R. Emmet Kennedy

Study of Algiers and Gretna, over the river from New Orleans.

Tuskegee, Alabama


Feb. 26

The Girl from Scotland Yard

Edgar Wallace

Doubleday, Doran…

Detective novel

Train – Tuskegee to Talladega, Ala.



March 1

Parnassus on Wheels

Christopher Morley

The Sun Dial Library[ii]

Charming novel

Birmingham, Alabama


March 3

The Great Impersonation

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A. L. Burt

Detective novel

Train between Jackson, Miss. & New Orleans, La.


April 3

Plays & Pageants from the Life of the Negro

Edited by Willis Richardson

The Associated Publishers


Philadelphia, Pa.


April 8

Ladies and Girls

Vera Caspary

Century Co.

Rather amusing novel.

Wilm. Del.



April 14

The No-Nation Girl

Evans Wall

The Century Co.

A weird “race” novel. All wrong, yet somehow right.

Wilm. Del.


April 20

Marriage and Morals

Bertrand Russell

Essay – Philosophy

Horace Liveright

Radical and modern philosophy on morals.

Wilmington, Delaware


April 27

The Prophet

Kahlil Gibran


Alfred A. Knopf

Wilm. Del.


May 1

Prize Poems of 1913 – 29

Edited by Chas. Wagner

Chas. Boni

Phila. Pa.



May 5


Edna Ferber


Doubleday & Doran

Train bet. Cape Charles & Phila.


May 9

Uncle Sam and What His Family Thinks of Him [iii]

John Erskine

Satirical Novel


Certainly an incisive arraignment of European princes in their attitude towards the U.S.

Wilm. Del.


May 23

Fugitives from Passion

Coningsby Dawson


Doubleday, Doran & Co.

Wilm. Del.


May 24

Factors in the Sex Life of Twenty-Two Hundred Women

Compiled by Katherine Bement Davis

Statistical & Case Study


Phila. Pa.



May 28

Brief Candles

Aldous Huxley

Short Stories or rather Novelettes

Doubleday, Doran.

Phila. Pa.


June 1

Jews Without Money

Michael Gold


Horace Liveright

New York


June 2

The Inconsistent Villains

N. A. Temple Ellis

Mystery Novel

E. P. Dutton

New York


June 5

Uncle Sham

Kanhaya Lal Gauba

Claude Kendall

An East Indian reply to Mother India. Awful satire – yet … about the U.S.[iv]



June 20

The House of Mirth

Edith Wharton (re-read)


Century Co,

Haverford College, Pa.


July 13

Not Without Laughter

Langston Hughes

Alfred A. Knopf

Novel. His first and a mighty good one.

W’ton. Del.


July 17

Celibate Lives

George Moore

Short Stories

Boni & Liveright

Phila. Pa.


July 17

Loose Ladies

Viña Delmar

Harcourt, Brace & Howe

Short Stories

Wilm. Del.



July 26

By the Waters of Manhattan

Charles Reznikoff

The Boni Paper Books


Wilm. Del.


Aug. 3

The Bellamy Trial

Frances Noyes Hart

A. L. Burt


Wilm. Del.


Aug. 14

Black Manhattan

James Weldon Johnson


Alfred A. Knopf

Phila. Pa.


Aug. 15

Sweet Man

Gilmore Millen


The Viking Press


Wilm. Del.



Sept. 1

Moby Dick

Herman Melville

Albert & Charles Boni

The greatest sea yarn of them all.

Wilmington, Del.


Sept. 2

All in the Racket

William E. Weeks

Showing How Crime & Law go hand in hand. Novel.

Boni Paper books

Wilm. Del.


Sept. 6

The Master of the Day of Judgement

Leo Perutz

Trans. from German by Hedwig Singer


Boni Paper Books

Wilm. Del.


Sept. 12

Jaws of Circumstance

Carl Clausen

Serial Novel Collier’s Weekly

Phila. Pa.



Sept. 24

Paul Robeson, Negro

Eslanda Goode Robeson

Harper Bros.


Train bet. Phila. & W’ton


Sept. 27

The Forth Plague

Edgar Wallace

The Crime Club, Inc.

Mystery Novel

Wilm. Del.


Oct. 7

Ashenden or the British Agent

W. Somerset Maugham

War Narrative

Doubleday, Doran & Co.

Wilm. Del.


Oct. 15

El Goes South

McKinley Kantor

Novel – Chicago Life

Coward-McCann Co.,

Wilm. Del.



Oct. 16

The Casuarina Tree

Somerset Maugham

Boni & Liveright

Short Stories

Wilm. Del.


Oct. 17

Wandering Women

John Cournos


Boni Paper Books

Phila. Pa.


Oct. 21

Laments for the Living

Dorothy Parker

Short Stories

Boni & Liveright

Phila. Pa.



Oct. 25

Twenty-four Hours

Louis Bromfield

Frederick A. Stokes

Novel. A most remarkable book. Cross Section of N.Y. life in 24 hours.

Wilm. Del.


Oct. 30




Novel – Another Exposé

Phila. Pa.


Nov. 4

Murder in the Embassy

“Diplomat” – Anonymous [v]

Johnathan Cape & Harrison Smith

Mystery Novel

W’ton. Del.


Nov. 8

A Saturday Life

Radclyffe Hall

Jonathan Cape & Harrison Smith

Amusing – if disappointing

Wilm. Del.




Nov. 12

Poems – 198 -1921

Ezra Pound

Boni and Liveright

Phila. Pa.


Nov. 14

The Mystery of the Folded Paper

Hulbert Footner

Mystery Novel

Harper Bros.

Phila. Pa.


Nov. 20

The Door

Mary Roberts Rinehart

Mystery Novel

Phila. Pa.


Nov. 26


Margaret Sperry

Boni Paper Books


Train between Phila. & Wash.




Nov. 29

The Ghost on the Down [vi]

Edgar Wallace

Mystery Stories (2)

Wash. D.C.


Nov. 30

Slightly Scarlet [vii]


Wash. D.C.


Dec. 5

Louis Beretti

Donald Henderson

Grosset & Dunlap

Gangster novel. Thriller

Phila. Pa.


Dec. 22


Zona Gale

Alfred A. Knopf

Novel – Preciosity on a tangent

Phila. Pa.




Dec. 26

The Book of Simon

A. S. M. Hutchinson

Descriptive narrative of a child

Little, Brown & Co.

Wilm. Del.


Dec. 26

Madman’s Drum: A Novel in Woodcuts

Lynd Ward

Jonathon Cape & Harrison Smith

Wilm. Del.


Dec. 29

St. Peter Relates and Incident of the Resurrection Day

James Weldon Johnson

Privately Printed for Distribution


Wilm. Del.



Novels —                                42

Poems —                                4

Woodcut Novel —                 1

Biography & Autobiography – 3

Science & Philosophy –          5

Short Stories —                      5

Satire —                                 1

Drama —                                1

History —                               1

63        66% novels



[i] Kirtley F. Mather was the author of this book. It was published in 1928 by Henry Holt & Co.

[ii] A series issued by Garden City Publishing Company, a subsidiary of, then, Doubleday, Doran.

[iii] The correct title of the book is Uncle Sam in the Eyes of His Family (1930).

[iv] Another partially illegible annotation for this entry.

[v] The author of this book, John Franklin Carter (1897-1967), also wrote under the pen names of “Unofficial Observer” and “Jay Franklin.”

[vi] Dunbar-Nelson was most likely referring to Wallace’s The Ghost on Down Hill and The Queen of Sheba’s Belt (1929) in this entry.

[vii] Possibly Percy Heath’s Slightly Scarlet (1930) adaptation from the World Wide Publishing Company.

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