Research Grants

Applying for a 2024 UDARF Research Fund Grant

The UDARF Executive Board appoints three retirees to the Research Fund Award Committee for a two-year term. The Committee is charged with evaluating the merits of the applications. The current Committee’s term ends in 2024.

  • Only retirees are eligible for this grant. However, members of the Award Committee may not apply.
  • Applications are due by April 1 to the UDARF Research Committee. Send the application form electronically to UDARF Vice-President James O’Neill (
  • Download the application form (PDF version) (Microsoft Word version). Email the completed form to
  • The Research Fund Committee will report its evaluation results to the UDARF President by April 21, 2024.
  • The UDARF President will announce the results at the April luncheon.
  • Eligibility criteria:
    • Funds for travel to depositories of information for research OR
    • Funds for those presenting research papers at an academic conference OR
    • Funds for other reasons as the committee deems applicable.
  • Award requests may not exceed $750 per application. Thanks to funding provided by the Office of the Provost, our total 2024 Research Grant funding budget is $5,000.
  • Recipients of 2024 Research Grant Funds are requested to provide a BRIEF synopsis of their use of the funds by March 1, 2026.

2023 UDARF Research Fund Grants

The Research Fund Committee (William Saylor: chair, Harold White and Dan Rich) has awarded five individual grants to support research and travel to professional conferences.  Recipients of 2023 Research Grant Funds are requested to provide a BRIEF synopsis of their use of the funds by March 1, 2025.

Deborah Andrews (English/Material Culture Studies) to help defray costs of preparing, editing, photography and permissions for a revision of the anthology Shopping: Material Culture Perspectives (2015, UD Press).  $750

Leslie F. Goldstein (Political Science and International Relations) to travel to the 2022 meeting of American Political Science Association to accept the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award of the Law and Courts Section of the APSA, and present a review of published research. (The presentation was postponed for one year because of COVID).  Montreal, Canada, September 15-18, 2022.  $750

Frederick Nelson (Geography) to conduct archival research on pioneer Artic explorer Louise A. Boyd at The National Archives. The project will provide two papers in peer-reviewed journals: 1) a critical review of Boyd’s scientific results, with emphasis on the challenges encountered by a “woman in charge”; and 2) the Boyd expeditions’ contributions to permafrost science.  College Park, MD June 12-14, 2022.   $750

Harvey Price (Music Education) to travel to the Occupied Territories of the West Bank of Israel to evaluate musical and social aptitude of underserved and special needs children after three months of participation in a new Peace Drums program started in February 2022. $750

John Wehmiller (Earth Sciences) to provide for Long-Term Preservation of Amino Acid Racemization Interlaboratory Comparison Samples at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. $300

2020 UDARF Research Fund Grants

The Research Fund Committee (Janet B. Johnson: chair, Judith Hough-Goldstein and Jeff Raffel) has awarded seven $715 individual grants to support research and presentations at professional conferences.

Deborah Andrews (English/Material Culture Studies) to present a paper, “Break and Make:
Communicating Like Entrepreneurs in Academic Makerspaces,” at the 85th international
conference of the Association for Business Communication in San Diego, October 28-31 2020.

Leslie F. Goldstein (Political Science and International Relations) to present a paper, “Protection
of Racial/Ethnic Minorities in the U.S. 1789-1989,” at a two-day workshop on “Groups and the
Constitution” at University of Maryland Law School in Baltimore, March 6-7, 2020,
and as an invited participant on a roundtable “Constitutional Revolutions” at the annual
meeting of the American Political Science Association, in San Francisco, September 3-5, 2020.

David M Mason (Applied Economics and Statistics) to present a talk entitled “Self-
Standardized Central Limit Theorems for Trimmed Subordinators” at the 9th Conference on
High Dimensional Probability to be held June 14-19, 2020, at The Mathematical
Research and Conference Center in Będlewo, Poland.

Frederick Nelson (Geography) to present a paper, “Early Observations of Cryoplanation
in the Alaska and Yukon Territories,” at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in
San Francisco, December 2020.

David Northmore (Psychological & Brain Sciences) to present a poster, “What does nucleus isthmi do? Insights from network modeling,” at the 2020 International Congress of the International Society of
Neuroethology at the Instituto Universitario, Lisbon, Portugal, July 25-26, 2020.

Yda Schreuder (Geography) for travel to UC Berkeley Bancroft Library to access the
Engel Sluiter Historical Documents Collection for research on the tobacco trade in the early
seventeenth century in the Caribbean region.

John Wehmiller (Earth Sciences) for geochronological analysis of mollusk samples of Quaternary
age from a subsurface core, southern Delmarva Peninsula.

2019 UDARF Research Fund Grants

The Research Fund Committee (Janet B. Johnson: chair, Judith Hough-Goldstein, Theodore Braun) has awarded eight individual grants to support research and presentations at professional conferences.

Deborah C. Andrews (English) to present a paper, “New Writing in New Spaces: The Material Environment of Professional Communication” at the 84th annual conference of the Association for Business Communication, Detroit, October 23-26, 2019.

Leslie Goldstein (Political Science and International Relations) for paper presentation, “Technologies of Travel, “Birth Tourism,” and Birthright Citizenship,” at the University of Maryland Law School’s by-invitation workshop for academics from law schools and political science departments on Technology and the Constitution, March 8-9, 2019.

Philip Goldstein (English) for travel to present a paper “Reading Faulkner’s Light in August” at the American Literature Association Meeting, May 23-26, 2019 in Boston.

M. Jo Kallal (Fashion and Apparel Studies) for panel presentation, “Nurturing the Value of Sustainability through the Lens of Aesthetics and Taste Within the Fashion System,” at the Regent’s University London and International Textile and Apparel Association Joint Conference: 2019 Sustainability in Fashion, July 30 – August 1, 2019, London, UK.

David M. Mason (Applied Economics and Statistics) for visit to the Centro de Investigacion en Matematical in Guanajuato, Mexico for research related to Lévy processes.

Frederick Nelson (Geography) for paper presentation “The Periglacial Crosscut: Upland Cryoplanation and the Climatic Snowline,” Southern Hemisphere International Conference on Permafrost, Queenstown, New Zealand, December 4-14, 2019.

Yda Schreuder (Geography) for travel to UC Berkeley Bancroft Library to use the Engel Sluiter Document Collection to conduct research on the emergence of the Dutch tobacco trade in the Caribbean region in the early 17th century.

John F. Wehmiller (Geological Sciences) for curation of Professor Allen Thompson’s collection of field photographs.

2018 UDARF Research Fund Grants

The Research Fund Committee (Ronald Martin: chair, John Meakin, Robert Taggart) has awarded seven individual grants of approx $715. The awards will support travel and accommodations at conferences at which presentations will be made.

Deborah C. Andrews (English): Continued research for a publication on the physical environment of 21st Century workplaces designed to foster creativity and innovation through collaborative communication. London, June 2018

Theodore E. D. Braun (Language, Literature and Cultures):  Lies, Calumnies, Alternative Facts: Voltaire Against Le Franc de Pompignan, Academie de Montauban. Pompignan, June 2018.

Philip Goldstein (English): Reading Now: Practices, Pedagogy, Profession: An Israel Science Foundation Workshop. Beersheba, June 2018.

David M. Mason (Applied Economics & Statistics): Sándor Csörgő Memorial Conference, Bolyai Institute. Szeged, May 2o18.

Frederick E. Nelson (Geography): 5th European Conference on Permafrost. Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, June 2018.

David P. M. Northmore (Psychological & Brain Sciences):  The magical number four in visual perception conjured from neural network tinkering (poster presentation), Champalimaud Research Symposium: Quantitative Approaches to Behaviour and Neural Systems. Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown. Lisbon, October 2018.

John F. Wehmiller (Geological Sciences): Geological Society of America National Meeting, Indianapolis, November 2018 and the  Geological Society of America Regional Meeting , Charleston, SC, March 2019.

2017 UDARF Research Fund Grants

The Research Fund Committee (Ronald Martin, Leslie Goldstein, Robert Taggart) has awarded grants of $715  to each of the following people:

Deborah C. Andrews (English): travel, registration and accommodations to present Academic maker spaces: Contexts for research on interdisciplinary collaborative communication at the annual meeting of the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC) in Halifax, Canada, August 11-13, 2017.

Leslie F. Goldstein (Political Science & International Relations): travel and accommodations for the presentation of a paper at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, August 31-September 2, 2017.

Philip Goldstein (English): registration, travel and accommodations for the presentation of a paper at the American Literature Association Symposium, March 3-4, 2017.

David M. Mason (Applied Economics & Statistics): travel for the presentation of a paper at the Workshop on Levy Processes and Time Series in Ulm, Germany, September 11-15, 2017.

Marian Leif Palley (Political Science & International Relations): US travel and accommodations not covered by an organizational grant to present a paper at the Japanese American Women Political Scientists Symposium at Ocha University, Japan, May 2017.

John F. Wehmiller (Geological Sciences): travel and accommodations for the presentation of a paper at the Geological Society of America Meeting, March 30-31, 2017.

Rebecca Worley (English): travel and accommodations for the presentation of a paper at the Association for Business Communication conference in Dublin, Ireland, October 18-21, 2017.