WCU Volume 21, Issue 12 – June 14, 2013

PDF Version of WCU 21:12 – June 14, 2013

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Vegetable Crop Insects
Soil Compaction in Vegetable Fields
Angular Leaf Spot on Watermelon
Pea Root Rots, Wilts, and Stem Decay
Cucumber Downy Mildew Update
Effectively Managing Cucurbit Downy Mildew in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regions in 2013
Pea Harvest Hampered by Rains
Windbreak Advantage Very Evident this Year
Potato Disease Advisory #7 – June 14, 2013
Tomato Pith Necrosis Found in High Tunnels

Update on SWD Trapping
Section 18 for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Management on Apples, Peaches and Nectarines Approved
Fruit Drop in Tree Fruits

Agronomic Crops
Agronomic Crop Insects
Sooty Mold on Barley and Wheat
Impact of Flooded and Saturated Soil Conditions on Field Crops
Weed Control Options for Double Cropped Soybeans
Harvest Aids for Small Grains

Maryland Grape Growers Association Summer Field Day Viticulture Workshop – June 15
Water Management Workshop – June 25
Soil Management Workshop – June 26
UD Cooperative Extension Horticulture Short Course: Pest and Beneficial Insect Walks – June 26
University of Delaware Weed Science Field Day – June 26
On Target Application Academy – June 26
Wye Weed Science Field Day – June 27
Delaware Soybean Board Tour – August 22
Respect the Rotation – August 22
Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Field Tour – September 4
