Our Section 18 request for the use of three bifenthrin products (Brigade WSB – FMC Corporation; Bifenture EC and Bifenture 10DF – both from United Phosphorus) to control BMSB on apples, peaches and nectarines has been approved by EPA. This use expires on Oct 15, 2013. You must have a copy of the label in your possession before making an application. Please see the following two links — the authorization letter from EPA https://sites.udel.edu/weeklycropupdate/files/2013/06/DEBifenthrinBMSBAuthorizationLtr.pdf and the Bifenture labels (the two formulations from United Phosphorus) https://sites.udel.edu/weeklycropupdate/files/2013/06/Section18BifentureBMSBDE2013.pdf. We will post the Brigade label as soon as it is available. Please contact either David Pyne at the Delaware Department of Agriculture (David.Pyne@state.de.us) or Joanne Whalen (jwhalen@udel.edu) for more information.