
My research interests lie in extremal combinatorics, algebraic graph theory, and finite geometry. The following is a list of publications and pre-prints.


  1. Pancyclicity when each cycle contains k-chord, Discussiones Mathematicae: Graph Theory, 39 (2019), 867–879. – pdf
  2. A new lower bound for van der Waerden numbers, (with Thomas Blankenship and Jay Cummings) European Journal of Combinatorics, 69 (2018), 163–168. – pdf
  3. The Anti-Ramsey Problem for the Sidon Equation, (with Craig Timmons), Discrete Mathematics, 10 (2019), 2856–2866. – pdf
  4. A New Family of Algebraically Defined Graphs With Small Automorphism Group, (with Felix Lazebnik), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (1) (2022)  – pdf
  5. On the eigenvalues of the graphs D(5, q) (with Himanshu Gupta), to appear in Finite Fields and their Applications – pdf
  6. A simple proof for the lower bound of the girth of graphs D(n, q), to appear in Discrete Mathematics – pdf


  1. Achromatic colorings of polarity graphs (with Craig Timmons), (submitted), – Arxiv
  2. On the number of k-gons in finite projective planes (to be submitted) – pdf
  3. Existence of Pappus Configurations in Projective Planes containing Perspectivities (to be submitted) – pdf


I have also given talks, on my own research, and problems that interest me. The following is a list with links to the slides if you are interested.

  1. Thesis Defense, Newark, DE – slides
  2. Workshop on Combinatorics in Digital Communications, Eindhoven, NL – slides
  3. Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar – slides video
  4. 29th British Combinatorial Conference, Lancaster, UK – slides
  5. Math Seminar, Open University, UK – slides
  6. 10th Discrete Mathematics Summer School, Rogla, Slovenia –slides
  7. Discrete Seminar, Open University, UK (virtual talk) – slides
  8. Discrete Math Seminar, University of Delaware (virtual talk)
  9. Graduate Student Seminar, University of Delaware (virtual talk) – slides
  10. Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference (virtual: video) slides video
  11. Candidacy Talk at University of Delaware (virtual talk) – slides
  12. Eastern Sectional AMS Conference (paper presentation) – slides
  13. Mathematics Research Symposium (paper presentation)
  14. Algebra, Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar, CSUS (paper presentation)
  15. McNair’s Research Symposium, CSUS (paper presentation)
  16. Algebra, Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar, CSUS (paper presentation)
  17. Provost Fall Research Symposium, CSUS (poster presentation)
  18. Student Research Symposium, CSUS (poster presentation)
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