Apply to be a TA in ANFS

As you begin to make your schedule for Spring, now is the time to think about if you interested in becoming an undergraduate teaching assistant! Both ANFS 240: Functional Anatomy of Domestic Animals, and ANFS 310: Animal and Plant Genetics use undergraduate TA’s to assist during laboratory hours as well as outside open/project hours.

If you are interested please fill out the application found below and return it to Mrs. Hougentogler, either in print or email form (, no later than Monday, November 25th.

Please note ANFS 240 labs run Monday: 10:10 AM-1:10 PM and 1:25 PM-4:25 PM and Tuesday 12:30 PM-3:15 PM and 3:30 PM-6:30 PM. ANFS 310 labs run Wednesday 10:10 AM-1:10 PM and 2:30 PM-5:30 PM and Thursday 11:00 AM-1:45 PM and 3:30 PM- 6:30 PM.

Animal and Food Science Undergraduate TA Program_2020
