Complainant Resources
“I experienced sexual misconduct. What should I do?”
UDPD Resource Guide for victims of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking
Go to a safe place
After experiencing sexual misconduct it is important to remove yourself from physical, mental, and/or emotional danger. Please go to a place where you feel safe. This could be a friend, spouse or RA’s room, Student Wellness and Health Promotion, or contact University of Delaware Police or 911.
Ask for Support
It is a victim’s choice whether or not to report an incident of sexual misconduct. However, it is important for victims to speak with someone who can provide them with their appropriate resources and options. Advocacy is an important source of support. Learn more about Victim Advocacy.
Access TimelyCare for 24/7 mental health support
Student Advocacy & Support
Zainab Shah, M.A., DVS, CA (Confidential Victim Advocate)
Assistant Director, Victim Advocacy
280 The Green, Newark, DE 19716
Call YWCA Sexual Assault Response Center
Call UD Police Victim Services or 911
302-831-2222, ask to speak to a Victim Services employee
Call someone close to you who can provide you with support
Get Medical Help
Student Health Services
Laurel Hall
282 The Green
302-831-2226 (main)
302-831-2226, Option 2 (Sexual and Reproductive Health Services)
Christiana Care
4755 Ogletown Stanton Road, Newark, DE
University of Delaware Police Department
302-831-2222UDPD will provide transportation to Student Health Service or Christiana Hospital for University students.
Take Care of your Mental and Emotional Health
Sexual Misconduct can be a traumatic experience. You may feel unsafe, overwhelmed, or guilty. Some may even experience symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Because of this, please utilize these campus resources to take care of your mental and emotional health.
Access TimelyCare for 24/7 mental health support
Student Wellness and Health Promotion
305 Warner Hall (Wellbeing Center)
280 The Green, Newark, DE 19716
Center for Counseling and Student Development
305 Warner Hall (New client check-in area)
280 The Green, Newark, DE 19716
TimelyCare: Talk Now – 24/7 mental health support via telehealth
Know Your Options and Rights
You are afforded important rights as a complainant.
Utilize a Title IX Case Advisor
Review UD’s Sexual Misconduct Policy
Report to Campus
University Title IX Coordinator, Dawn Barker Floyd, J.D.Office of Equity & Inclusion, 305 Hullihen Hall, Newark, DE 19716(302) 831-8063, titleixcoordinator@udel.eduOr submit a Title IX Reporting Form.
Report to the Police
Call 911; tell them the type of crime and where it occurred. They will dispatch the appropriate police agency to assist you.