
Fact Sheets

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Harnessing High-Speed Broadband Services for Community and Economic Development Purposes (PDF 100KB)

Community Issues

Concurrency: a requirement that roads, sewers, emergency services, libraries and parks be in place before or at the same time that new development occurs. (PDF 351KB)

Form-Based Codes: a land development regulatory tool that places primary emphasis on the physical form of the built environment with the end goal of producing a specific type of place. (PDF 531KB)

Impact Fees: payments required by local governments of new development for the purpose of providing new or expanded public capital facilities required to serve that development. (PDF 457KB)

Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Programs: permit landowners in the sending area to sell the “right to build” to landowners in the receiving area. The sending landowner’s property is then permanently restricted from the transferred development, usually by a recorded deed restriction. (PDF 501KB)

Community Visioning: along with creating more awareness and empowerment in the community, one of the goals of the vision process is to match emerging citizen priorities with potential funding sources. (PDF 495KB)

Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)/Urban Services Boundary (USB): a jurisdictional boundary, set in an attempt to control urbanization by designating the areas inside and outside of the boundary. (PDF 425KB)

Agricultural Preservation Programs: protecting agriculture not only protects a heritage and a means of economic support, it can also foster good growth patterns and protect important environmental functions through open-space preservation. (PDF 349KB)

Traditional Neighborhood Development/Mixed Use: the design and connectivity of TND support transit and walkability, while increased densities and mixed use help to ensure that there are useful destinations for transit and non-motorized travel. (PDF 898KB)

Community Viz

Capital Costs: Indian River School District (PDF 232KB)

Land Use Allocation(PDF 200KB)

Flood Hazard Assessment – Rehoboth Beach, DE (PDF 216KB)

Impervious Surface Analysis – Sussex County, DE (PDF 125KB)

Bayside: Tutorial for Community Viz (PDF 146KB)

Donley & Associates Inc. & Community Viz (PDF 108KB)



Heritage Tourism

Towards Heritage Tourism in Sussex County, Delaware (PDF 4.5MB)
published 2007 by the Center for Historic Design and Architecture in partnership with Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware.

Heritage Tourism Planning Guidebook: Methods for Implementing Heritage Tourism Programs in Sussex, County Delaware (PDF 4MB)
published August 2008 by Xuan Jiang and Andrew Homsey of the Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware.

Lewes Future Scan

Lewes Futurescan: To Maintain and Improve the Quality of Life in the Greater Lewes Region, January 2008. (PDF 784KB)
complied by the University of Delaware Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service Program.

Lewes Fire District

Supporting the Lewes Fire Department Strategic Plan 2010-2030 (PDF 2.6MB)
published December 2009 by Andrew Homsey and Nicole Minni of the Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware.

Lewes Scenic and Historic Byways

Delaware Scenic and Historic Highway Grant Application #SB-DE-2009-55727 The Lewes Scenic and Historic Byway
submitted by Delaware Greenways, Inc. (PDF 16MB)

Planning Tools for Growing Communities

Growing Better: Successful Planning Tools for Growing Communities, May 2007 (PDF 1MB)
written by: Alissa Bierma and Erik Hopkins, Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware.

Stormwater Management

Protecting Water Quality with Smart Growth Strategies and Natural Stormwater Management in Sussex County, Delaware (PDF 10MB)
prepared by EPA-NOAA Smart Growth Implementation Assistance for Coastal Communities for Sussex County, Delaware, January 2009.

Sussex Broadband

Broadband Opportunities for Sussex County (PDF 648KB)
published June 2009 by Troy Mix, David Beauchamp, Matthias Wendt with Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware.

Sussex Economic Development Action Plan (SEDAC)

Sussex Economic Development Action Plan, January 2010 (PDF 258KB)
developed by the Sussex Economic Development Action Committee.

Sussex County Infrastructure

Infrastructure in Sussex County, Delaware: Where, When & How?, May 2008 (PDF 683KB)
written by: Alissa Bierma, Project Advisor: Bernie Dworsky both of the Institute for Public Administration, University of Delaware.


Sussex County Index

The Sussex County Index provides a snapshot of some of the important social and demographic changes occurring throughout Sussex County, as we shift from a rural farming community to a more urban resort area. Drawing on U.S. Census data and historical records from the UD Center for Demography and Survey Research, we’ll review some of the long-term trends in population growth, education levels, and diversity. We’ll also illustrate what an aging population might mean for healthcare and transportation needs across the county.

The Index is a work-in-progress. Please check back frequently for updates!

Population Growth

View Sussex County’s population growth from 1790-2009, and to see how Delaware’s population growth rate compares to other coastal states across the region (PDF).

An Aging Population

Learn more about how the age of Sussex County’s residents is shifting as low taxes and affordable housing attract a burgeoning retirement community (PDF).

Ethnic Diversity Across the Region

See how the ethnicity of our County’s population is changing (PDF).


See how high school graduation rates have improved in Sussex County since the 1970’s (PDF).

Community Character

See how Sussex County’s landscape is shifting from large rural farms to more urban communities (PDF)


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