
About Sustainable Coastal Communities (SCC)

The University of Delaware Sustainable Coastal Communities (SCC) Initiative is an approach to address growth, land use, and environmental impacts in southern Delaware. Welcome to our web site and thank you for visiting. Please contact us with any questions, thoughts, concerns, or feedback. We would like to hear from you whether you are a long-time local, new resident or visitor.

Who We Are

Three University of Delaware colleges and affiliated programs, each with a strong research and outreach base, are working together to coordinate their activities and help coastal communities achieve their sustainable development goals:

The College of Agriculture & Natural Resources and Cooperative Extension. The mission of Cooperative Extension is to connect the public with university knowledge, research and resources to address youth, family, community and agricultural needs. Representative:  Jennifer Volk

The College of Earth, Ocean and Environment and the Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service (MAS). The mission of Marine Advisory Service is to foster the wise use, conservation, and development of marine resources by acting as a conduit between researchers and a variety of citizen users, from coastal resource managers to business owners.  Representative:  Jim Falk

The College of Arts & Sciences and Institute for Public Administration (IPA). The mission of Institute for Public Administration is to link the research and resources of the University of Delaware with the policy information and management needs of its partners. Representative:  Martin Wollaston

The Program Coordinator is Ed Lewandowski, Coastal Communities Development Specialist, with the Delaware Sea Grant College Program.

Strategic Plan

The most recent strategic plan and program logic model are found below.

PDF icon SCC_logic_model_dec11

PDF iconSCC_strategic_plan_final_dec11