Comprehensive Plans

Delaware law mandates that all counties and municipalities have a comprehensive plan in place. Under a change in Delaware law in 2011, counties and municipalities must review and update their plans for State certification every 10 years, while conducting a review of the plan every five years and providing yearly updates on the progress of implementation.  The plan updates must involve a public participation process to obtain input and feedback concerning proposed changes.  In addition, the plans must include updated land use maps with verified land use/land cover attributes.  Most municipalities do not have the staff, knowledge or expertise to effectively assemble and facilitate public forums that satisfy this public participation component nor do they have the GIS capabilities to produce the necessary maps.  Professional consultation and guidance is often sought to assist with this comprehensive plan process.

SCCI assisted the City of Lewes with an update of its Comprehensive Plan by scheduling, organizing, coordinating and facilitating two (2) public forums to initiate the planning process.  Participants engaged in an active survey using an Audience Response System to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the city’s established core values as well as the significant challenges and quality of life issues impacting the citizens.  This information was compiled and presented as a summary report for consideration by the Lewes Planning Commission.  Other services provided included verification of existing land use/land cover maps for Lewes and adjacent properties and identification of changes in land use/land cover that were incorporated into necessary map updates.

For the Town of Milton, SCCI facilitated a series of public forums, including a community conversation about the establishment of core values and a forum focusing on, “Open Space, Recreation, and the Environment.”

PDF icon Results of the Lewes Public Forums (June 2014) 2.73 MB