How do I make an appointment?
No appointments are necessary. Patients will be evaluated on a first-come first-served basis.
*Please Note: The goal of this screening clinic is to evaluate patients and identify musculoskeletal injuries. Further healthcare intervention beyond this screening will not be offered free of charge.
Specialty Clinics
Delaware Physical Therapy Clinic sponsors a specialty clinic for patients who demonstrate conditions or injuries that are unique or particularly challenging to the rehabilitation community. Our clinical and consulting staff, along with PT clinicians, attend specialty clinics to combine their efforts to recommend an appropriate treatment plan for patients.
The purpose of the specialty clinic is first to provide appropriate treatment options and recommendations to patients. The specialty clinic also serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas between the medical and physical therapy communities. Specialty clinic occurs on the third Monday of every month, and patients are referred by their doctor.
For more information, or if you are interested in participating, call Airelle Giordano PT, DPT, OCS, SCS Associate Director at the Delaware Physical Therapy Clinic, (302) 831-8893 or e-mail