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Journal Clubs

The purpose of the journal clubs is to critically review the current literature on topics of particular interest for clinical practice. The University sponsors two journal clubs that meet monthly during the school year, September through May (specialty clinic occurs on the third Monday of every month). Local physicians and therapists are welcome. The University also sponsors monthly case rounds to critically review the current literature on topics of particular interest in patient care. A patient case will be presented, and articles on the patient topic will be discussed in relation to evidence-based practice in physical therapy. We encourage participation and case submissions from the orthopedic community.

Sports and Orthopedics Journal Club

  • Sports and orthopedic journal club occurs the 3rd Monday of every month at 11:30am at STAR Campus, excluding June, July, and August. It will restart in September for the fall semester and information on time and location will be added to website once these are determined.
  • If you are interested in joining, call Airelle Hunter-Giordano PT, DPT, SCS, OCS Associate Director at the University of Delaware, (302) 831-8893 or e-mail aohunter@udel.edu.

Neurologic and Older Adult Journal Club

  • Neurologic and Older Adult journal club occurs the third Monday of every month from 12pm-1pm in the Delaware Physical Therapy Clinic, excluding June, July, and August. It will restart in September for the fall semester and information on time and location will be added to website once these are determined.
  • If you are interested in joining contact Darcy Reisman, PhD, PT Assistant Professor and Clinic Academic Director at (302) 831-0508 or e-mail dreisman@udel.edu.

Clinical Case Rounds

  • Clinical Case rounds occurs the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7-8am in the Delaware Physical Therapy Clinic, excluding June, July, and August.
  • If you are interested in joining, please call Airelle Hunter-Giordano PT, DPT, OCS, SCS at  (302) 831-8893 or email  aohunter@udel.edu