
Current Courses

Courses 25S
Spring 2025: M612 Computational Methods for Equation Solving and Function Minim (login to UD Canvas)

Recently Taught Courses

Courses 24F
Fall 2024: M817 Introduction to Numerical Methods for PDEs (login to UD Canvas)
Courses 24S
Fall 2024: M817 Introduction to Numerical Methods for PDEs (login to UD Canvas)
Courses 23F
Fall 2023: M612 Computational Methods for Equation Solving and Function Min (login to UD Canvas)
Courses 23S
Spring 2023: M530 Mathematical Methods in Economics (login to UD Canvas)
Courses 22F
Fall 2022: M351 Engineering Mathematics I (login to UD Canvas)
Courses 22S
Spring 2022: M529 Foundations of Optimization (login to UD Canvas)
Courses 21F
Fall 2021: M530 Mathematical Methods in Economics
Courses 21S
Spring 2021: M529 Foundations of Optimization
Courses 20S-20F
2020: None Sabbatical Leave
Courses 19F
Fall 2019: M530 Mathematical Methods in Economics
Courses 18S
Spring 2018: M611 Intro to Numerical Discretization
Courses 17S
Spring 2017: M353 Engineering Mathematics III
Courses 16S
Spring 2016: M611 Intro to Numerical Discretization
Courses 15S
Spring 2015: M353 Engineering Mathematics III Sec 010
Courses 15S
Spring 2015: M353 Engineering Mathematics III Sec 015
Courses 13F
Fall 2013: M353 Engineering Mathematics III Sec 011
Courses 13F
Fall 2013: M353 Engineering Mathematics III Sec 012
Courses 13S
Spring 2013: M353 Engineering Mathematics III
Courses 12S
Spring 2012: M631 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Courses 11F
Fall 2011: M607 Survey of Scientific Computing
Courses 11F
Fall 2011: M630 Probability Theory and Applications
Courses 10S
Spring 2010: M617 Introduction to Applied Mathematics 
Courses 09F
Fall 2009: Math231 Differential Equations
Courses 09S
Spring 2009: Math200 Matrix Computations
Courses 08F
Fall 2008: Math679 Numerical methods for high-dimensional problems
Courses 08S
Spring 2008: Math679 Wavelets, Fast Algorithms and PDEs
Courses 07F
Fall 2007: Math371 Numerical Algorithms
Courses 07S
Spring 2007: Math578 Computational Methods for PDEs

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