
Hello everyone!



5/10 6-7pm:

5/7 Charity Gala 6-9pm:

5/1 Elections for Executive Board:

4/30 5k:

4/27 Med School Fair 12:30-4:30:

4/18 Senior and Medical Student Panel 

We hope you all got good advice from the Eboard at this meeting! Scheduling is always a rough time of the semester, but don’t worry! Everything will work out! If you would like to view the powerpoint from this meeting, click the link below. Please come to the Medical School fair this week and sign up for the 5k! Both events are going to be great!

4-18 Spring Advisement Meeting

Gap Year Meeting:

At this meeting we discussed what you can do during your gap year, should you choose to take one! There are tons of opportunities to shadow doctors, volunteer, or take medical related trips with MedLife! We had a member of Americorps come in and talk about what this organization is about as well. The powerpoint from this meeting is below. Feel free to check it out!

Meeting #2- Gap Year-Opportunities


Resume Workshop/ Mock Interview 3/3:

Come in business casual attire as you will get the chance to experience a mock interview with members of the Eboard and Dr. Michalec! Bring your resume as you will also get the chance to have it critiqued and improved! The meeting will be at Smith 120 and will run from 7-9pm.

Welcome Back Meeting 2/16:

We hope you had a great break and winter session! Below is the powerpoint from the meeting that has links for UDance forms and volunteering forms so check it out!

Spring 2016 Intro Powerpoint for Making Doctors (1)

Interest Meeting 9/8:
Thanks to everyone who came to the interest meeting! We had a great turnout and it was awesome to see a lot of new faces! For those that could not make the meeting, this is a brief summary of what went on and the powerpoint is located below. The Eboard introduced themselves and talked briefly about upcoming events and how this club works. We are very excited to work with you all this year! Please do not hesitate to contact us!
MD Fall Intro Meeting 2015-2016 finished (1)

Applying to Medical School 9/16:

First off, the Eboard would like to thank everyone who came to our second meeting and we apologize that it was a smaller room that we are used to! This meeting went over what HSAEC is and how they help you in applying to medical school. I personally would like to offer some advice for you all: take a deep breath and relax! We know that this sounds like a lot of work being put on you all at once, but break this process down into steps and you will be fine! We hope to see you at future meetings! The powerpoint slides are on the link below.
making doctors HSAEC ppt

Student Panel: 9/22:

We hope everyone learned a lot at our meeting today and ate lots of pizza! Everyone did a great job of breaking into groups and demonstrating certain ailments! If anyone has any questions that they could not ask the Eboard members during the panel today please contact us! Thank you for the awesome turnout today!

HSAEC/Medical Mentors: 9/28, 7pm
Student Involvement: 10/7, 6:30

Today we had a great turnout for our meeting about Student Involvement! Vinu talked about AMT and the lives that they change by working with handicapped children. Nick Jennelly discussed what Healthcare Simulation Club is about and how it is closely related to Making Doctors. Mobility Challenge 2015 will be on October 21st! Sign up soon for that free shirt!!

Volunteer/Research Meeting: 10/13, 6pm

We hope everyone learned a lot at this meeting and got some wings! (sorry they went so fast) Hannah, Rachael, and Ryan discussed volunteering and research opportunities for both on and off campus. We have at least three doctors coming to our doctor panel so be sure to come with questions for them!

Doctor Panel: 10/20, 6:00pm

We had three awesome doctors come and tell us about their experiences over the years. They had great advice and we had a great turnout for the meeting! Hopefully in the future we can have more doctors come and you can all ask them questions. Keep up the great attendance!

MCAT: 10/28, 7pm

We’d like to thank Lawrence for coming to talk to us about Kaplan and what they do to prepare us for the arduous task of taking the MCATs! He gave us a quiz filled with questions similar to what we would see on the MCAT. There will be a trip to Sidney Kimmel Medical College coming up soon so keep a look out for an email about signing up!

PCOM/Osteoblast: 11/5, 5:30pm

We hope everyone who came to the meeting got to ask the PCOM representative any questions they had! We are hoping to plan a trip to visit PCOM in the near future so keep checking your emails with updates! We hope to see a good turnout for our Medical Student Panel, where former Making Doctors presidents Fazad Mohammed and Patrick Kukilich will be coming! Come with any questions that you may have!

Medical Student Panel: 11/19, 6pm

We’d like to thank all the medical students from PCOM and Jefferson for coming and talking to us! Also a big thank you to everyone who came with questions! Personally, I think they did a great job answering our questions and putting our minds somewhat at ease about the daunting task of getting through medical school. From all of us on the Eboard, we hope you all have a great Thanksgiving break!!

The next meetings and events will be:
Healthy Hens/Possible VP of Admissions at Stanford coming: 12/1,

Here are some pictures of our trip to the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia!

mutter museum

mutter museum 2


More information for these events will be posted as soon as we know the exact rooms and other details! Remember to always check your e-mail !!

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