Bible Study Information

Bible Study Meeting Times:

When: Thursday Nights from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Where: The InterVarsity House (222 S College Ave, Newark, DE 19711)

Interested in joining us for Bible study? Please contact us for more information!

Bible Study Structure

Our weekly Bible studies are approximately 1.5 hours and are structured so that we have time for each of the following:

  • Fellowship: Learn more about each other and talk about our weeks as we wait for all members to arrive.
  • Announcements: Any group announcements are made before beginning the study.
  • Bible Reading: We read the passage aloud that we will be discussing that week.
  • Reflection and Discussion: In smaller groups, we talk and ask questions about the passage and try to apply it to our lives. This is the majority of the time we spend together in Bible study.
  • Prayer: We close out our night by taking prayer requests and time together in prayer.