Workshop on Field Work, Language Documentation, and

Linguistic Theory in Indonesia

(program with materials and video recordings)


The workshop took place over Zoom on October 22nd and October 23rd 2021. You can find the full program, containing the materials for each talk and a video recording of each talk by clicking on the link above.

The workshop provided an opportunity for the participants in the NSF-funded project “Linguistic Fieldwork and Documentation Training in Indonesia” to come together at the end of the project, and discuss the results of their efforts.  The overall goal of our project was the promotion of the documentation and description of endangered languages in Indonesia by training two groups of interested students, American Doctoral students and Indonesian undergraduates and recent graduates, in linguistic fieldwork and language documentation.  The Indonesian students are native speakers of a variety of minority languages spoken in various communities on West Timor island and other locations in East Indonesia.  The two groups of students engaged in training and subsequent fieldwork together in East Indonesia between in 2018-2019.   The workshop presented papers by all the American participants on the project, mostly based on their fieldwork and on subsequent collaboration with their Indonesian partners. Some of our Indonesian participants also reported on how the fieldwork experience has affected their careers.  Additional papers by faculty engaged in fieldwork on Austronesian linguistics were also presented.  One general topic of discussion was how the Covid epidemic has affected the achievement of the goals of the project, as well as how and whether collaborative fieldwork is still possible in the time of Covid.


For technical problems with the website, please contact Lars Stromdahl, laedyost at udel dot edu.


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