
Professors Peter Cole and Gabriella Hermon, Co-PIs
University of Delaware, Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science

In charge of organizing the project; recruitment and selection of US students, teach in initial orientation; participate in debriefing students and discuss potential future research projects; organize capstone workshop in 2019



Yanti, Ph.D.,  Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta
 Chairperson, Center for Studies on Language and Culture (PKBB)

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman 51, Jakarta – 12930 Building K2, 2ndFloor
Tel +62-21-5703306 ext. 224 / 213
Fax +62-21-5719560


Yanti (on the left), with Asako Shiohara, at Language Documentation Workshop, Oct. 2017

General project coordinator for Indonesia; select Indonesian participants for training; oversee training in Jakarta; teach in initial orientation; participate in debriefing students at end of time in the field; oversee archiving; participate in capstone workshop

Yanti with students in Kupang



Jermy Balukh, Lecturer and Head of English Department, Institute of Foreign Languages Studies, Cakrawala Nusantara,  Kupang

Jermy has extensive field work experience on languages of Eastern
Indonesia, especially Dhao and Rotinese. He serves as the local
coordinator for Kupang and the project field work locations, and will also participate in our training course. Jermy will provide general support for the teams in the field sites.




Prof. Asako Shiohara
Research Institute 
for Languages
and Cultures 
of Asia 
and Africa (ILCAA)
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies                             


Dr. Shiohara teaching in workshop in Kupang

Dr. Asako Shiohara specializes in the languages of Indonesia
and is currently working on an  ILCAA Joint Research Project on “Varieties of Malayic Languages”. She will provide advice on training sessions, assist in evaluating the success of the  project and  teach in the initial orientation if her schedule permits.


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