Liti Village Well Drilling

Aug 16, 2023 | Malawi

The team began the day drilling the first well in Liti Village. The community had cleared some trees and flattened the area around the drilling location to allow the drilling rig access to the site.

Unfortunately after drilling to 45 meters the well was still dry and there had been no water strikes. The team decided to wait for additional resistivity to help choose a better location to drill in Liti. 


In the afternoon the team moved to Nkagula village and began drilling at the priority location there. The first water strike was at 20 meters which was very exciting. The women and children also celebrated when you could see water coming out of the well. 


We took soil samples every 5 meters which showed the different types of soil being drilled through. The topsoil was a reddish color. As we found more water the soil became a dark gray color. As we drilled deeper the samples contained significantly more moisture. 


As it got dark we finished drilling the well to 50 meters. This is deeper than most wells in the area which we hope will allow it to continue functioning for longer as the water table changes over time. 





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