Digging Deep

by | Jan 30, 2019 | Uncategorized

The day started off with us getting to the site early, to begin preparation for construction. On site, we reviewed the construction plans and then helped with the trenching for the pipeline. We all got to get dig a couple feet of trench, and ___ with the workers. While we were working, some of the community members knocked down coconuts from the trees, so afterwards we could take a refreshing break, with fresh coconut water and meat. Right before lunch, Gene arrived with materials, so they could start setting up the system, for when we got back.
After a quick lunch, we headed back to the site to begin construction, only to find that the power went out. This didn’t stop us though, we pushed ahead with our work, taking the chance to inventory all of the materials, collect more surveys, and review the plans with the contractor. When we finished, we headed back early to go take a look at the market and even bought some ice cream as a cool treat. Later that night, we were told the power was back, and are looking forward to see some of the system built tomorrow.
Maija Griffioen


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