A Weekend to Remember

by | Feb 3, 2019 | Uncategorized

Saturday: In the morning, after enjoying another delicious breakfast made by Yaya and Lalaine, the team headed back out to the site. We were happy to see that the concrete for the shed had been set. We also got to see the workers clean the reservoir and prep the first tap stand for installation. By the time we left for lunch, they were about to put in the concrete for the first tap stand.
In the afternoon, we split into two teams. One team went back into the field, oversee construction, and the other stayed back to prepare for training. I was with the team that stayed back, and we got the chance to meet with Nonie, the barangay Capitan, to talk about the final tasks of the trip. After the field team came back, we all got to enjoy some fresh coconuts, before getting back to work. The field team had been able to collect rainwater samples from the roof of basketball court roof, and we tested those before dinner.
The highlight of the day was at the very end, because we had gotten invited to the Ubujan disco. It was a lot of fun to interact and dance with community members. Everyone was there, from kids to grandparents. I really enjoyed being able to share this experience with the community and my team members.

Sunday: Today was rest day, and of course we spent it relaxing on the beach. We went to Panglao, which has beautiful white sand beaches. On our way there, we took the scenic route, so we were able to look out and see the coast, mountains, and many colorful towns. When we arrived, we first walked along the shoreline and admired the cerulean blue waters. We then stopped to get some mango shakes, a Filipino staple and afterwards enjoyed the water. We got to eat a great packed lunch an
We then walked along the beach again, before finding a nice spot to sit down and relax. It was a great time getting to know my fellow team members Sarah and Olivia and to share stories. On the way back, we stopped by the Tagbilaren market to check out the local goods, and then went to the mall. At the mall we got to do a little shopping and finished off with ramen. When we got back home, we prepped for Monday training.

Maija Griffioen


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