Surveys, Meetings, and Cakes… oh my

by | Jan 29, 2019 | Uncategorized

Our fifth day in the Philippines was a productive one. As usual, we enjoyed our breakfast together before getting on the road to Ubujan. Some of the group broke off to meet with the Water Council, while the rest of the group went around to survey the community about rainwater. In the meeting, the Water Council was updated on the most recent plans for the project, such as the planned construction of four tap stands and how to implement the future phases to help the most people.
During the surveys, the other half of the group worked to retrieve data from the community on rainwater catchment. It was incredible to see some different community members already using rainwater to fill some of their water needs. As a group, we were able to collect some very important data about the usage and stigma of rainwater among the residents.
In the afternoon, our meeting with the contractor got postponed at the last minute, but we were able to use the time for additional surveying of the community and geography. We had a fantastic day out in the field and were excited to eat cake from the local bakery as a way to wrap up the day.

Jonah smiles as Olivia interviews a community member

Jonah smiles as Olivia interviews a community member

(This post was written by Alex Newkirk)


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