Breaking Ground

by | Jan 29, 2019 | The Philippines, Travel

Our second full day in the Philippines was a busy one. The team woke up bright and early to meet with our contractor, Gene, to inspect some of the trenching and look at other parts of construction. The trenching that was done was coming along great, but we were quick to learn that part of our original plan would not work because we could not cross through a homeowner’s private property. But thankfully, we were able to find a new spot to put the tap stand and pipes which will work even better than the original plan. After discussing how the pipe would be set up at the reservoir, the team explored new areas to put tap stands before taking a break for lunch.

Once our small lunch break was over, the team jumped back into action by splitting up into two teams to do some field work. One team focused on looking at sources for rainwater catchment and checking out wells that could be used in the future to reach more homes. The other team revisited the tap stand locations we chose earlier in the day to get some more accurate GPS data. We then met up before heading back to the house to rest for the evening. After a productive day, it was nice to regroup and go over what we did. The project is coming along great so far, and we can’t wait to get back to work tomorrow.
Matthew Walton


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