Departure from America

by | Jan 24, 2019 | Uncategorized

As we patiently waited for our plane to arrive at Newark Airport, excitement filled the entire group.
Just a few hours later, we began the first step of our journey to Ubujan with our flight to Hong Kong. We were in Hong Kong for just a few hours before we took our second flight, which would bring us to Cebu.
Sarah, Concepcion, Grandpa Muneses, and Jonah greeted us upon our arrival.
Loading up a van, the group travelled to a nearby mall to spend time shopping together. Some of us tried Chowking, a filipino fast food restaurant, where we tasted Halo-Halo for the first time.
Once everybody found what they wanted to purchase, we ended our expedition by getting drinks together in Starbucks. As we continued driving around in our van, it was interesting to see the difference in culture
just through the style of driving, which is significantly more aggressive here in the Philippines.
Finally, after completing our first day of travel in the Philippines, we boarded a ferry to Ubujan.
As some started to plan out the coming days, others drifted asleep, waiting to arrive on Bohol.
The first day of our trip was overwhelming at times, since we had to use so many different forms of transportation.
Though it may have been hectic at different points, we are all ecstatic to finally be here and can’t wait to get working on our project.


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