Nsima Later!

by | Aug 10, 2018 | Malawi

With smiles on our faces and jetlag in our bodies, our second day began with arriving in Chilimani. After yesterday’s productive day of drilling, our next duty was to conduct a yield test on the pumps. The one that we had installed yesterday was extremely fruitful, pumping out a whopping 4000 liters per hour. Our second well, unfortunately, was less productive. and wasn’t viable enough to install a full pump. All of the nearby spots were even worse, so we consulted with the community members about where they would like a well. We found a new spot along the Western edge of the village. After a quick round of resistivity testing, we got the green light to drill. Tomorrow we try again!
Another team was sent to Mphero today to meet with VIC, the water committee, and the other villagers. We discussed our plans and goals for the next two weeks and asked them a few questions about the maintenance of their wells. They mentioned that they were concerned about the lack of a bridge in the community.
After meeting with everyone, we were joined by our interpreters, Innocent and Martha, to conduct surveys of the villagers to give us an update on the boreholes implemented in 2016. The verdict remained the same: One borehole stays completely functional all year, while the other often stops working during the dry season. All of the interviewees mentioned how thankful they were for the efforts, and that the disease rate has dramatically dropped.
Mphero also provided a wonderful lunch of nsima (a dish made of flour that you eat with your hands) and goat. Witnessing the day-to-day life of the villagers has been great experience for all of our team members. Children follow nearly everywhere we go, and we’ve loved interacting with them! Despite the language barrier, they’ve made each day exciting and have been a huge motivator for our efforts. Below is a picture of some kids playing with the water during our pump testing. With each day comes a new adventure, and we’re excited to continue ours!
Tionana Maua (See you tomorrow!)


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