A Plateau is the Highest form of Flattery

by | Aug 13, 2017 | Malawi

Sunday morning in Malawi means putting on your best dress and heading off to church. We got to spend our morning gathered in the small Sakata Church with men and women of all ages. Church in Malawi is long (ringing to the sweet tune of 3 hours), but the time passes pretty quickly when most of it is spent singing and dancing. The Sakata church was filled with so much energy and love – it was a perfect way to spend the morning.
After church we finally got to explore the Zomba Plateau, which creates an amazing backdrop anywhere you go in the Sakata region.  The road up to the plateau is very bumpy, or in Chichewa, “nyeka nyeka”. The view from the top of the plateau is vast, and words (at least my engineering brain words) cannot do it justice. It was amazing to be able to get a birds eye view of the place we have been calling home for the past week. Sometimes, when you are too close, it is definitely hard to appreciate how beautiful where you are is– but stepping back (or more than 6,500ft up) can really put into perspective how stunning where you are is.
One of my favorite parts of each day is driving away from and to the farm we stay at. In the morning you are greeted with the most amazing view of Zomba Plateau -framed by a cystal blue sky. The same plateau, now colored in dark reds and purples, sends you home at night. This view has become the perfect bookends for each day.
(Also, special shout out to Becca for the ~rad~ pun that I stole to title this blog)

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