Here’s a handout from CTAL on documenting teaching excellence, which was presented at the panel: Documenting Excellence in Teaching .
Here’s a handout from CTAL on documenting teaching excellence, which was presented at the panel: Documenting Excellence in Teaching .
Some CT relevant changes to the faculty handbook were proposed and voted on during the April 4 senate meeting. Thanks to all of you who came out to support CT issues!
Thanks to work behind the scenes, we successfully changed the Instructor titles from the senate floor. Titles will now be Instructor, Associate Instructor (awarded after the peer review in the 6th year), and Senior Instructor (after the peer review in the 13th year).
Our next priority is to make sure these titles are applied immediately to all eligible instructors.
We will also be working (through the current AAUP, CBA negotiations) to ensure that the experience that is reflected in the two higher-level Instructor titles is reflected in increased S-contract rates and salary floors.