Dear Delaware 4-H Volunteers,
I want to bring to your attention an opportunity that will benefit all Delaware 4-H volunteers. The State 4-H Office will be hosting a volunteer training summit for all Delaware 4-H volunteers on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at the University of Delaware, Elbert N. and Ann V. Carvel Research and Education Center in Georgetown. The summit will begin at 10:00 a.m. and run till 3:00 p.m. with lunch included. Click here for more info.
While this summit is geared towards and will be particularly helpful to new volunteer leaders, the day will surely be a benefit to any Delaware 4-H leader looking for a “tune up” on the basics of 4-H and more importantly, on how all of us together can improve our knowledge to have a more meaningful impact in the lives of our Delaware 4-H youth. Please join me and other Delaware 4-H staff and volunteers for what is sure to be a rich day of learning and sharing!
While I have your attention, please mark your calendar for our annual state wide Delaware 4-H Volunteer Leader Forum to be held Saturday, February 4, 2017. The event will be held at Polytech High School in Woodside. More information on this event will be available closer to Thanksgiving.
Thank you again for all you do for our 4-H youth. As we gear up for National 4-H week, the first full week in October, all of us on the 4-H staff send you our best wishes and hope to see you in Georgetown on October 22, 2016 for what is sure to be a fun day of training!
Dr. Ernie Lopez
State 4-H Volunteer Specialist
University of Delaware
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources