Diamond Clover Award  2017-2018 Intent Forms DUE December 1

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Delaware 4-H members are eligible to participate in the Diamond Clover Award program. Delaware 4-H adopted the Diamond Clover Award in 2011 from a program used in Maryland. This award will be one of the highest level of recognition that a Delaware 4-H member can achieve. It is similar to the Boy Scout Eagle Award or the Girl Scout Gold Award. This award consists of six levels that require a 4-Her to plan and accomplish a broad range of age-appropriate tasks, acquiring valuable life skills as they progress.

It is intended to take a 4-H member six years to complete. Many 4-H members are already doing the work, so all you need to do is fill out the forms and submit them. 4-H members are strongly encouraged to submit for this award at their appropriate level this year!

For other 4-H members, this award can provide you with a long-term challenge for your 4-H career. Either way, when you have finished the process you have completed an amazing accomplishment.

If you have any questions on the Diamond Clover please contact the 4-H Office, also to find out more, visit the Diamond Clover site on the State 4-H webpage at: http://extension.udel.edu/4h/about-delaware-4-h/feature-awards/diamond-clover/

**You may not enter at the Diamond Level without prior approval from your county 4-H Extension Educator.